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Sarah's connection with the spirit world began in childhood, when she first became aware of those who had passed and received insights beyond her ordinary knowledge. Her journey in spiritual development has continued into adulthood, marked by ongoing education and growth.


With a deep understanding of grief and loss, Sarah is dedicated to supporting others through life's toughest moments. She believes that while we each have the capacity to heal ourselves, her role is to facilitate that process with the support of spirit and intuition.

Though Sarah started exploring her psychic abilities at a young age, she began to seriously pursue her spiritual development around the age of 18. Since then, she has participated in numerous classes, mentorships, and educational lectures, continually expanding her skills, including recent advancements in Trance Mediumship.

Sarah is also a Grief Coach, a path she embarked on following the sudden and unexpected loss of her partner. This personal experience led her to build a supportive community through social media, where she shares her journey and offers solace to others.

She believes that community plays a crucial role in healing and strives to create spaces where people can find comfort and connection. Sarah’s blend of grief support and spiritual insight provides meaningful healing and comfort to those she works with.

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Features and Appearances

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Sarah often appears on TikTok Live to speak on her own account, as well as featuring on others' platforms for live reading demonstrations, educational panels, and more.​ For more information, visit the "Upcoming Events" page.

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Sarah's individual classes are currently hosted by Master Teacher, Grief Coach, and Psychic Medium Patty Stovall. She also collaborates with Author, Speaker, and Psychic Medium Elias Patras to assist in teaching classes on intuitive studies and mediumship skills. All current class options can be found on the "Upcoming Events" page. 

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Sarah is the host of the "Bluebird Banter" podcast, which can be found exclusively on her Patreon community. 

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